self portrait vs selfie
Usually, selfies are taken on a smart phone. They have no real meaning to them, behind the fact you just wanted to capture the moment your currently in. Selfies are quickly shot with an extended arm and no planning ahead.
Self portraits, are mainly taken on a real camera. There are hidden messages in the portrait that express something about you. These pictures are usually planned way ahead of when they are shot. Self portraits most likely are taken with props, or things that are special to you. Photos like these have more value and depth.
I prefer the self portraits over the selfies. I say this because they have more depth and meaning to them. Planning out my photos is something I would chose over a quick selfie. They usually look better and have more of a unique style. I don't think either can be identified as more valuable than one or the other. Its up to you which one mean more to you. 

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