1) The first thing that caught my eye were pictures that were weird and vintage. Some thing particular was how cool and interesting his work is.
Image result for william eggleston peachesImage result for william eggleston peaches

2) I see the blue sky above me. The cars zooming by me. All the people in the town chit chatting.
    I smell the scent of old lingering car gas. People grilling their hamburgers and hot dogs. The fresh crispness of the outdoors. 
    I hear a crowded soda shop with everyone laughing. The bell ring when the door gets open. Kids chuckling and throwing the football back and forth.
    I taste warm Coca~Cola quenching my thirst. I savor the greasy french fries as I bite down. The saltiness from the ketchup packet.
    I feel the hot metal from the fence. The rays from the sun are beating down on my face. The people in the town are brushing by me.

3.) I would like to create a blog to show the world my great photographer. I would take a variety of the pictures I enjoy and make some sort of collage. Then under each photo, I would share some of my thoughts and ideas about the picture.


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