Tales By light

Who is the photographer and what do they photograph?
is the photographer. He takes pictures of wildlife in water or around it. 

What did you find the most interesting about this episode?
The thing I found most interesting was how much the guy knew about animals in general.
This shows that you have to know background info about the topic your shooting; to make the most of your photographs.

What did you learn from this episode?
When people think of animals, they think of tigers, bears, ext.. They forget about fish and all the animals we don't see very much of. I learned that underwater is a good place to get photographs of wild life. This is because there is so many species living in a more confined space.

Where does this episode take place? Did you like the location? Why?
This episode takes place in . I did like the location because there was lots of wildlife and the water was very blue.

Why is this work important?
This work is important because the guy gave us information about the animals while he was taking the pictures. He explained their "culture" and where they live. He shows us their habitat through their pictures. He also shows us what the animals are really like and debunks the "myths".


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